Community Wellness

Community Wellness

There are many factors

Don’t leave your health up to your Doctor

Take control of your own health

Our mission is to show the world the benefits of caring for your own health. Among the many items we will address is planting a garden, composting old food, raising pollinator bees and caring for the environment in a sustainable way. These activities can teach young and old alike the value of eating right, exercise and just plain getting out in the sun to absorb some healthy vitamin D. The value of a healthy life style is now more than ever a necessity. While the planet deals with new viruses and an increasingly unhealthy population the cure appears to be right under our noses. Good nutrition, exercise and proper sleep are the gold standard for living a long healthy life. This does not only include physical health but mental health as well. The benefits of planting and caring for a garden teach responsibility and perhaps even a renewed purpose for our older folks. Who knows maybe we even help the planet along the way. While there are countless resources on healthy life styles and reports of Blue Zones, how does one get started without spending countless hours researching. We ask that you let Expansion Health Central set up a predeveloped program at your School, Police Department or Nursing home to start a journey that will last a life time.

The trick is not how long you live, but how well you live, both physically and mentally. So before you chose your journey, chose your companions well. Let Expansion Health set up a program for you!!