
We believe it is time to plant a garden at every school.  School gardens connect kids to Mother Nature   and give them opportunities to nurture and enjoy plants that they might not otherwise get to experience.    Furthermore this will teach them about the environment and motivate them to love fruits and vegetables.  The benefits to an outdoor garden are voluminous including the opportunity to be physically active outdoors and absorb healthy sunlight.  Most important, gardens are both a learning tool for soil, plant science, and entomology and a vehicle for healthy eating.   Maybe we are saving the planet as well.

It is also our hope that this ultimately will bring back cooking classes in schools as cooking and nutrition have fallen by the wayside as Americans shift to a processed junk-food diet. This is not only detrimental to the physical health of our children but their mental health as well.   So to stem this trend of poor diets and early chronic disease we need to show kids why and how a healthy whole foods diet will help them live happier healthier lives.   Just saying eat your veggies is not going to make a lasting impression on our kids.   They like visual and hands on examples and that is exactly what we propose in this program.  From the growing of fruits and vegetables to raising bees we have a comprehensive sustainable model that everyone will enjoy and relate too.

Special instruction will be given on how to set up a corporate structure, produce accounting reports for profit and loss tracking and tips on internet marketing. 

So let us set up a garden and a program for your students to work and nurture. You as the school administrator will not regret this opportunity and I would say you will be the most innovative school in your district.