
Be the first City, Police Department or Fire Station to institute a community outreach garden.  What better way to interact with the community and build good will than to plant and growing a sustainable organic garden.   These gardens can be tended by the children of municipalities and potentially qualify for community service hours required by most elementary and high schools.   The benefits to this type of a program are virtually endless and many of the class room instruction can be done on Zoom.   Our program not only includes regenerative farming techniques, the raising of pollinator bees and composting, but the added bonus of how to set up a business and actually make a profit from growing healthy organic food.   Special instruction will be given on how to set up a corporate structure, produce accounting reports for profit and loss tracking and tips on internet marketing.    Did you know that some bee companies will actually buy back your bee larvae at the end of the season and some restaurants will pay top dollar for Micro greens grown in only a few weeks.   As the saying goes, we save the best for last.   This program is designed to show the next generation the value of a healthy whole food diet and in today’s overweight and ever sickening population, lay the ground work on how to keep your body healthy, your immune system functioning at optimum levels and to avoid harmful pesticide that are killing our ecosystems, the planet and even us.